Thanks for Generating Free BGMI Popularity.
- 200 Popularity. (common)
- 110000 Popularity. (common)
- 125000 Popularity. (rare)
- 300000 Popularity. (too rare)
It depends on your luck that how much popularity you’ll get from this tool.
You can refresh this page again to get more Popularity. And you can do this process Unlimited times.
Copy this Code and Paste it in Battle Ground Mobile India Redemption Site. After Redeemption Open your BGMI Account.
Boom!! You got your popularity just copy this code given below and paste in BGMI Redeemption.
322,023,024,839 (random number)
Note: Remove Commas from this code.
Redeem Code Here (BGMI Official Site)
Refresh Page Again (if code does’nt work)
If you got common popularity perk then refresh again this numbers will change each time.
Sometimes this will show invalid code. This happens because multiple users land on this page at a same time.
So, this page give a particular code to multiple users. that’s why Refresh again and again.
BGMI Unlimited Redeem Code Generator
BGMI Silver Fragments Generator
So, I’ll advise you if you really want 300k Popularity. Then, approximately you’ll have to refresh this page almost 7-8 times.
This advice is based on feedbacks we get from our users.
Thank you and all the best!