Hydra Blasty Pubg ID: So, Today I’m going to share Hydra Blasty Pubg ID Name with you.

Also, His Real Name + Age + City + Clan Name + Complete Wiki and Biography for you.

So, Let’s get into it.


What is Hydra Blasty Pubg ID?

So, Hydra Blasty Pubg ID is 557418147. This is also his Pubg ID Number or Character ID. And His Pubg Name is HYDRA | Blasty.

He is Official Member of Hydra Clan. And Blasty is Esport Player for Team Hydra.


Hydra Blasty Biography | Real Name, Age, City, GF and Achievements

First of All, His Real name is Mayank Agarwal. And he was born in Patna City (India). 

He is only 14 years old and currently he use One Plus 7T and iPhone for Gaming.

His Claw setup is 4 Fingers and Gyroscope is always on.

Also, Check Hydra Kani Pubg ID and Hydra Danger Pubg ID.

Hydra Blasty Discord

Join Hydra Blasty Discord to get connected with Him.

Join Here

Final Words

So, Today I’ve shared Hydra Blasty Pubg ID with you.

Also, his Pubg Name, Pubg ID Number, Age, Real Name, Claw Setup and Complete Biography for you.

Now, Still Something Left in your mind. Then, Let me know in the comments section.