Hydra Wrath Pubg ID: So, Today I’m going to share Hydra Wrath Pubg ID with you.

Also, his Real Name, Age, Device, Pubg Name, KD Ratio, Achievements, Girlfriend and Sensitivity Settings for you.

So, Lets get into it.

Hydra Wrath Pubg ID

What is Hydra Wrath Pubg ID?

So, Hydra Wrath Pubg ID is 591652666. And his Pubg Name is HYDRA | WRATH.

He is Official Member of Hydra Clan. And his Real Name is Yashwant Patel.

He represented india and Team Hydra in Korea.

Also, He is Asia Influencer ESports Festival Winner. He use iPhone 11 as Pubg Device.


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Facts About Hydra Wrath Pubg Player

  • Hydra Wrath has more than 10k Followers in his Instagram.
  • And more than 5k Subscribers on his YouTube Channel.
  • His Girlfriend name is Rhea (as mentioned by himself on his Instagram).
  • He plays Pubg Mobile with his clan members.
  • Hydra Wrath Sensitivity Settings available on his Insta.
  • Also, check Alpha Clasher Pubg ID and Hydra Emperor Pubg ID.


Final Words

So, Today I’ve shared Hydra Wrath Pubg ID with you.

Also, his Real Name, Girlfriend, Achievements, Device, Pubg Name and Sensitivity Settings for you.

Now, still something left in your mind. Then, let me know in the comments section.